Sharky Fuzz

Sharky Fuzz

I have always wanted to do a Sharky Fuzz for our sweet sweet Sharky dog and just never got around to it, but recently he developed aggressive kidney failure and it totally blindsided us. So I put up a pre-order for the Sharky Fuzz to honor him and help offset the unexpected diagnostic, treatment and end of life expenses we accrued doing every thing we could do to try and prevent the inevitable. I have always been a "Pay It Forward" type dude and the overwhelming response, kind words and donations have made a very tough time that much easier to deal with.
Me and my family thank everyone that ordered a pedal, donated and sent us kind and hopeful words. We are heartbroken but concentrating on the love and happiness Sharky has brought us in the time we have been blessed to spend with him ❤
The pedals will ship out before the holidays and I will keep everyone updated on the progress as I get everything designed and worked out.
Hug your pets every day, Y'all.